
Survival Tips

Survive Tips

This page contains information about survival tips in different types of emergencies.
Your survival in an emergency situation depends upon your ability to use your knowledge, and your special skills to apply to save your life. This one page of many pages titled "Survive This", they contain random survival situation. Make sure you read them for fun but also to educate yourself.

List of Survival Tips

The following are some tips helping you survive in different conditions, we will be adding more tips frequently. These tips can be helpful regardless of whether you will need them for your survival or just for fun. Don't forget to bookmark this page for future references.

  1. Manage your budget by calculating how much you make and how much you spend. You will find out you spend a lot of money every year on something you can live without.
  2. What used to be $20.000 in 1983 has the value of only $9000 in 2009, protect yourself from inflation.
  3. Commodities such as gold, silver, sugar, wheat, corn ... are good investments in inflation times.
  4. Get out of debt if you want to survive as a free person. Debt enslaves!
  5. Pay attention to where you place your feet and hands. Most snakebites result from stepping on or handling snakes.
  6. In the desert temperature might get as high as 55 degrees C (130 degrees F) during the day and as low as 10 degrees C (50 degrees F) during the night. Prepare for both.
  7. To overcome the mirages effect get to high ground (3 meters [10 feet] or more above the desert floor), you
  8. can get above the superheated air close to the ground.
  9. In a sandstorm wear goggles and cover your mouth and nose with cloth. If natural shelter is unavailable, mark your direction of travel, lie down, and sit out the storm.
  10. Use the "Universal Edibility Test" if you doubt a plant is poisonous to eat.
  11. In the desert, if water is not available, do not eat and conserve your sweat.
  12. In a desert environment, shelter is more important than finding water and food.
  13. In a desert, if you try to ration water, you might be found dead with plenty of water in your canteen. Conserve your sweat not your water.
  14. Spending around $700 on wind generators and solar panels can reduce your power costs more than $1300 a year.
  15. Spending around $75 on vegetables seeds and grains will satisfy the needs of a small family all year round in terms of veggies and grains consumption (for 2 acres of land and up)
  16. Water causes hypothermia 25 times faster than air.
  17. If lost at sea, watch for presence of birds in the horizon, usually that indicates proximity of land. Also birds head to land at dawn to sleep.
  18. If lost at sea and can't find fresh water, don't drink seawater (it will only make you thirstier).
  19. Blue ice is safe to melt and drink if you're lost at sea without water in a cold region.
  20. Ninety per cent of snake bites are at the ankle or below, eight per cent occur on the hands and two per cent elsewhere on the body. So Watch where you put your feet and hands.
  21. Signs of a snake bite: Puncture marks, slight bruising, redness and swelling, nausea, sweating, diarrhoea, pains in the chest and double vision.
  22. Poisonous plants that cause contact dermatitis are: Cowhage. Poison ivy. Poison oak. Poison sumac. Rengas tree. Trumpet vine.
  23. These are poisonous if eaten: Castor bean. Chinaberry. Death camas. Lantana. Manchineel. Oleander. Pangi. Physic nut. Poison and water hemlocks. Rosary pea. Strychnine tree.
  24. Symptoms from contact with poisonous plants: Red rash within a few days or immediately after contact, possible bumps, patches, streaking, or weeping blisters, swelling, and itching.
  25. Some of the venomous snakes are the rattlesnake, cottonmouth, copperhead, cobra, coral snake, Inland taipan, tiger snake, and death adder.
  26. Venomous spiders include the black widow, brown recluse, and hobo and mouse spiders. Camel Spider is not venemous.
  27. The most common symptoms of dehydration are: dark urine with a very strong odor, low urine output, dark, sunken eyes, fatigue, emotional instability, loss of skin elasticity.
  28. The following food may be stored indefinitely (in proper containers and conditions): Wheat, Vegetable oils, dried corn, soybeans, tea, and cocoa, salt, white rice, honey.
  29. Remember the following if someone is injured or ill: Check for BREATHING. Check for BLEEDING. Check for SHOCK.
  30. A pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease that is spreading through human populations across a large region; for instance a continent, or even worldwide.
  31. Before a Storm: Store drinking water, first aid kit, canned food, non-electric can opener, radio, flashlight and extra batteries where you can get them easily, even in the dark.
  32. If your car is sinking, DO NOT panic and forget your seat belt on, don't waste your time trying to save valuable possessions. SAVE YOURSELF.
  33. Statistically speaking, fires usually happen between 8 pm to 8 am. So chances you will be asleep when that happens, CHECK your smoke detectors.
  34. If trapped in quicksand: Stay calm and position your body horizontally by leaning back. Use the spread-eagle position to help disperse the body weight, and use your fingertips to reach solid land.
  35. If you find a tick on your body, do not grab, twist or jerk it because this may cause the mouth parts to detach and stay on your skin.

More information: We hope this page was helpful and provided you with some tips on survival in different types of emergencies. Check out our main page for more survival scenarios here Survival Guide, knowledge is light, and knowledge can save your life. Make sure you do your best to know what to do in a survival situation and then hope for the best.
