The Budget Planner! Manage your Financials!

Budget Planner

The Budget Planner will help you calculate and manage your expenses by controling your spending, but before doing so, you need to be aware of your how much money you spend and how much money you save, below is a calculator which will help you do just that, please note that:

  • Enter whole dollar amounts (no cents), Example: Enter 500 instead of 500.00
  • Do not use commas in values of $1000 or more. Example: Enter 25000 and not 25,000

Monthly Gross Earnings
Taxes (28% for average)
Monthly net income
Housing Housing
Includes mortgage, rent, contributions ...
Grocery Items Grocery Items
Includes food, drinks, shampoo, household supplies
Utilities Utilities
Includes gas, water, electric, phone, cable, internet, etc.
Health Club
Medical Expenses Medical Expenses
include medical insurance, medicine, doctor visits...
Student Loans Student Loans
include loans paid to universities and colleges ...
Credit Cards Credit Cards
include all credit card debts
Misc. Expenses Misc. Expenses
Includes child care, medical bills, prescriptions, haircuts, dry cleaning
Transportation ExpensesTransportation Expenses
Includes car payment, gas, repairs, license, insurance, bus or taxi fare
Child Care
Monthly expenses
Annual expenses
Monthly net income Monthly discretionary income
Subtract monthly expenses Annual discretionary income

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Below is a page where you can write down a list of expenses and spending, that way you will be able to write down other expensese that were not mentioned in the above budget planner. You can also check our Debt Consolidation page.

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